Kazuo 'Kaz' Kakihara
Gender: Bigender (man, woman), he/her.
Birthday: December 31st.
Nationality: Unionite. Lives in Liuqui as an undocumented migrant.
Ethnicity: Tsuki-Kusatsujin and White Saxon.
Species: Cupid, a Seraphic Chevalier that eats romantic and sexual attention, both directed towards them and directed towards others.
Patron: Archduke Svarog, who he inherited from his biological father Lacy Bronte.
Pact: Heartbroken Girl. Heartbroken Girl changes the state of items from "dead" to "alive". With dead organics, this causes zombification. This is capable of healing living people.
Appearance: Kaz is a tall and fat woman, with a very healthy amount of muscle that is not visible. She has a build similar to that of a female sumo wrestler and in fact, practices the sport as a hobby from time to time. He has a full, round face with a slight double chin, a wide nose and full lips. From time to time, she uses a slight amount of lip filler which takes their fullness to a borderline unnaturality. He has double lids and large eyes, which are predominately brown with purple flecks, pale skin and wavy, black hair. He has to wear glasses which give her eyes an even larger appearance when not using contact lenses. Although Kaz is not human, she is near identical to a human in physical characteristics with her actual origin apparent through her behavior and magical characteristics. As a seamstress, Kaz typically wears elaborate costumes, integrating traditional Qin and Kusatsu clothing with Elegant Gothic fashion.
Nature: Kaz is naive to the point where he comes across as mentally ill. He has nearly no sense of danger and is capable of a near endless amount of forgiveness, often allowing people who have attempted to murder her (or similar crimes) back into her life. This is both a personal and a political stance. Kaz believes that she has been put on earth as an anchor, a beacon for people who require endless love. It is easy to love people who are lovable. It is much harder to love the rest; undesirables, burdens, those with mental illnesses that cause them to be unable to function in society, those who have hurt you and other badly, those who can not change. Those are the people who Kaz holds the most fondness for. She is often biased towards them, favoring their perspectives over victims'. Up to a certain point. Even Kaz has his limits on who he can and can't support and those limits are growing stronger the more he realizes that his lifestyle is burning him out.
Due to his unusual upbringing, Kaz has a poor sense of boundaries and societal norms. He does not perceive a strong difference between partner, friend or stranger and frequently engages in casual sex and overly intense romantic and platonic relationships. It is not uncommon for her to imagine a connection to be much deeper than it is. At times, she struggles even to categorize 'object' and 'person' as separate. Heartbroken Girl allows her to bring inanimate items, temporarily, to life. She has had this blessing since she was a child and frequently used it on person-shaped items, like toys. This has caused her to anthropomorphize objects, empathizing with them strongly to the point of becoming physically unwell if she witnesses a toy being destroyed or just simply being ignored. These traits put him at odds with most of society. Kaz is shunned and rejected by peers, maligned and persecuted by authority figures and easily taken advantage of by toxic people. He pretends that he has no awareness of this, that he is completely ignorant. But really, he knows quite well what other people think of him. Unable to easily change her own nature, she has accepted her flaws as they are and waits for everyone else to reach the same conclusion.
Melancholic and prone to excessive guilt, despite what she would have you believe, Kaz often has intensely dark moods. He is an avid self harmer and has attempted suicide multiple times, something that he regards with an inappropriate openness. Frequently, she will threaten herself and have it be taken as a joke. It is not, it never is and she has been an active risk to her own life since she was twelve years old.
Life: Kaz is currently a low ranking member of the Liu Clan, working under the pimp and drug trafficker, Colonel Liu Shen. Heartbroken Girl's immense healing ability works on himself and allows him to heal from fatal injuries, provided he has enough lifeforce before they occur. This, and his status as a Cupid Chevalier, have led to him becoming a popular sex worker in Liuqui. Although she is unable to successfully sell videos or photographs of herself, meeting clients has always been profitable. In fact, she is currently the primary source of income for the clan. Shen is ultimately not the kind of person who would harm a worker for quitting but because he relies upon Kaz's income, incentivizes his employment by giving him a sizeable stipend and letting Kaz live in his home. Kaz lives with a few other people under the Colonel's care and is happy with both her working and her living situations.
Due to a combination of bad luck and personality flaws, Kaz has a penchant for being kidnapped. He is a serial killer fanboy and fetishist. From an early age, his dream has been to have a dramatic and sensationalized death at the hands of a serial killer. As he has aged, this desire has evolved into a desire to redeem people. Kaz has been indiscriminately searching for people he can help for a long time now, which is the source of his woes. Many times these people inappropriately project onto her. This almost invariably leads to stalking, abduction, assault or attempts on her life which in turn have left her with hefty hospital bills (comparative to her income) and frequent interactions with law enforcement. Further complicating things are a number of mental health conditions, most of which are undiagnosed. Along with depression, Kaz has minor bouts of psychosis and is notorious for forming inappropriately intense bonds with people that he barely knows. She takes ketamine irregularly for it.
Legal bills, medical fees and everything required to keep living are bad enough but Kaz also works part time as a fashion designer. Because of this, he's often looking for expensive materials to make clothing with. All of her outfits are designed and sewn by herself. She also makes the majority of clothing for others in the Liu househould. This brings in a moderate amount of income but she is still yet undiscovered outside of niche, fetishwear communities and so, can not rely upon it. She also makes plush toys, which she typically gives out as gifts to trusted friends.
History: Kaz was born and raised inside of the Tamano Cult, under the Acolyte Sect, under the reign of his biological mother, Mariya Kakihara. Duke Tamano is the the Demon of Love and Lust, one of the nine living Dukes of demonkind and so, holds an enormous power. Rare among demons, Tamano possesses the ability to reincarnate. However, the process isn't instantaneous. It requires a considerable amount of setup time in order to be used properly. If Tamano wants to be able to use their powers to the fullest, at the earliest, then it is most efficient to take over the body of a child produced by their own cult. Wanting both the inheritance and the privileges of a wealthy upbringing, Tamano set his Head Witch, Mariya Kakihara, on a mission to bed the sitting congressman, Lacy Bronte. It was a partial success. Although the two did produce Kaz, Lacy was completely uninterested in raising him. He loathed having a transgender daughter and disowned her as soon as he became aware of this but not before using some of Tamano's flesh to forcibly convert Kaz into a Chevalier. Thinking that his experiment was a failure, he let Kaz go and live with his mother, only monitoring him from time to time.
Until he was fourtteen years old, Kaz lived with and was raised by the Acolyte Sect. As the controversies affecting the cult piled up, their numbers were thinned, until only it was only Kaz and his mother still active. It was around this time that Kaz realized that he was being raised as Tamano's new body. Tamano kept getting sicker and the literature of the cult made it clear how Tamano comes back from the dead so it was a natural conclusion. Afraid, Kaz ran away from home. He lived for some time in the Union before the harsh discrimination he faced there brought him to Liuqui. Around age seventeen, he tried to make his living through gambling. Heartbroken Girl's zombification powers lended well to cheating as cards and dice would come alive and manipulate themselves to give him the desired outcome. This continued until he was eventually caught by Colonel Liu. Pitying her, Colonel Liu offered her a job, room and board.
After an abduction and attempted murder, Kaz is currently dating serial killer turned assassin, Gaius Nero.