Kazuo 'Kaz' Kakihara

Gender: Bigender (man, woman), he/her.

Birthday: September 9th.

Nationality: Unionite. Lives in Liuqui as an undocumented migrant.

Ethnicity: Tsuki-Kusatsujin and White Saxon.

Species: Cupid, a Seraphic Chevalier that eats romantic and sexual attention, both directed towards them and directed towards others.

Patron: Archduke Svarog, who he inherited from his biological father Lacy Bronte.

Blessing: Heartbroken Girl. Heartbroken Girl changes the state of items from "dead" to "alive". With dead organics, this causes zombification. This is capable of healing living people.

Appearance: Kaz is a tall and fat woman, with a very healthy amount of muscle that is not visible. She has a build similar to that of a low ranked female sumo wrestler and amateurishly practices the sport.



