Valerius Oubliette (nee: Orsolano)
Gender: Monogender, man (he/him).
Birthday: August 26th
Nationality: Unionite
Ethnicity: Black Saxon and Provenchal. Identifies as Black Saxon.
Species: Ghoul, a carnivorous Chevalier that eats the decaying flesh of human beings, gaining some of their memories in the process.
Patron: Himself.
Blessing: Our Murder of Piety. When active, can control any animal. More intelligent animals require sustained eye contact or physical possession.
Appearance: Valerius is a five foot eight, extremely lean man with narrow shoulders and wide hips. Malnourishment has left him with a very low body fat and difficulties developing and sustaining muscle. Valerius has a wide, flat nose and full lips, with the bottom heavier than the top, and a dimpled chin. His eyes are hooded and show his Chevalier nature; they have a black sclera, a purple iris and a black pupil. Valerius has 'tan' skin with strong bronze undertones and his hair is naturally densely curled and black but he has used chemical relaxants and hairdye to give it a stringy appearance with a purple color. Valerius was once a member of the alternative music scene and dresses in a very masculine, gothic style with a lot of leather. He particularly likes to wear high shoes to give the appearance of being taller.
Nature: Valerius is an extremely neurotic person, afraid of everything outside of himself and everything within himself. He has extreme paranoia and believes, not without reason, that most people are out to get him. This paranoia has lead to agoraphobia. Valerius is only calm when he is inside his home, specifically his bedroom. This fear manifests inwards as well. Valerius hates his appearance, his nature as a ghoul and his own instability and often takes this hatred out on himself and those he projects upon. He sees parts of himself in all outcasts. Sometimes he finds these similarities endearing, seeking to get closer to the person at all costs. Sometimes he finds them disgusting, punishing the person as he likes to punish himself. Not often does he mix these two 'states'. But as an avid self harmer with a clingy, toxic streak, Valerius is difficult to live with, even for people that he likes.
There is a certain level of machoismo that Valerius has built up within himself. He knows he's one of the most powerful Chevaliers currently alive and flaunts it, believing that throwing his weight around will provide him with security and safety. This works in his favor sometimes, against it in others. But the mechanism is so embedded on his psyche that he doesn't stop the "kayfabe" of being a powerful, crass and masculine demon even when there is no need to keep up appearances. In a way, it has become a permanent facet of his personality. As such, he's developed a very casual way of speaking. Swearing, making unwarranted sexual comments, threatening people elaborately and so on are all part of his normal day to day vernacular. This extends to his flashy manner of dressing and hyperbolic fits of anger. Everything was, at one point, carefully constructed.
Beneath the layers of anxiety and violence, there is a awkward and lonely man. Valerius has difficulties communicating with people. He's often too shy to say what he means, other times what he perceives is so wholly different from what other people perceive that there is a gap. What he wants most in the world is a person that understands him the way he understands himself. He isn't looking for companionship. He's looking to be understood for how he is. Sharp witted, often sarcastic, easily embarrassed around people he likes, overly accomodating. Everything good or charming about him is completely hidden. He likes to pretend that's on purpose.
Life: Valerius has a unique ability or perhaps curse; he changes based on the perceptions other people have on him. If people think he's aggressive, he becomes more aggressive. If they think he's a demon, he becomes more demonic. This does have its limits. If the Valerius that is imagined is too disparate to the actual Valerius, he will fracture and split, the separate one operating on its own behalf until the disparity is taken care of. Or the person that created it is. Everything about him is completely variable, which is one of the two sources of Valerius' terror. The second is his species. The ghoul kin are corpse eaters, scavenging demons that eat the decaying bodies of sapient beings. This nature of theirs inspires both an instinctual and a cultural disgust. In the majority of countries where tampering with a corpse is banned, ghouls are highly discriminated against. Hailing from one such country, the loathing that society had felt for Valerius has passed on in his own psyche, being redirected inwards.
Due to his various mental, physical and spiritual health conditions, Valerius has had an unstable income for most of his life. His unusually strong blessing allows him to thrive in black and grey market dealings. But inevitably his self loathing, paranoia and tendency to physical split work against him. Suppliers cut him off, friends and employees betray him. Then he spirals until he flounders into a new position. This leads to long stretches of time where he has no income whatsoever and must scrape to continue funding himself and his family and short periods where his income is on par with that of a politician or major celebrity.
Valerius is a transgender man who compounds his own testosterone, which he both uses himself and sells. He has never been formally diagnosed with an intersex condition but does possess one, although he is not aware of his status himself. In fact, Valerius has never been to see a doctor. Any illnesses he has are all undiagnosed and he has varying levels of awareness of them. He is aware that he is schizophrenic but not to what extent and he often attributes his schizophrenia symptoms to the side effects of the various drugs he self-medicates with. Additionally, he suffers from a currently completely unknown autoimmune disease. This disease often causes him extreme pain and difficulty breathing. He believes this to be entirely psychosomatic and has not sought any treatment for it, instead continuing to self-medicate.
History: Born from the union of The Last Libertine, Baron Akbaru and an unstable entity, Valerius is a unique existence. He has the appearance of a human but in actuality, his parentage is two thirds demon and one third god. Surrogated using a dying human, he and his twin were quickly adopted out. His twin brother, Sidore, was raised by a priest in their home province of Aversa in Vologda. Valerius was raised in the Union, by a Catholic couple who had made a habit of adopting children from prisoners.
Valerius' early home life was troubled and as soon as he was able to leave, he did. Having been trained in music by his foster parents', he went and tried to make a career out of it, to limited success. For a brief while, he played guitar for the actively touring punk band, Fuck is a Four Letter Word which was a cult classic in Vologda. The majority of the band's final year discography was written by him as well. Although it was attributed to the front woman and his then girlfriend, Mary Marionette. Various creative differences and emotional entanglements lead to Valerius' firing. Aggrieved, he killed Marionette with an axe and fled. Using his powers of mental domination, he evaded arrest and maintained a decent standard of living by contributing to the international drug trade.
This is the "canonical" story. In actuality, Valerius' has no history due to the nature of his being. His perception of himself and the perception of others vary his history widely, something that he is aware of and that causes him considerable distress. Any investigation into his past will lead to inconsistencies. These then eventually collapse on themselves, leading to an unstable present. The Valerius that currently exists is the result of the "Valerie Oubliette" and "Valerius Orsolano" identities folding in on each other. When people started to investigate the organized crime, they found the history with Marionette. These two events were only able to happen because there were two versions of Valerius occupying the same time during that period. As soon as somebody became aware of this duplication though, it ceased to be. The only person truly aware of this is Valerius himself. He prefers not to talk about it.
People: Unlike most Chevaliers, Valerius is on good terms with one of his demonic relatives; his "adopted" older brother Makaria, who he was for a time also romantically involved in. Makaria, the Demon of Death, holds a special fondness for Valerius and his twin Sidore as well. This favor often causes the two to escape near death situations with very little injury. Among other things. As for the rest of the family, the relationships are more rocky. Sidore and Valerius are extremely close but this closeness is not shared by their other three "known" brothers. Nor is it shared by their official fathers, Baron Akbaru and The Last Libertine who hold a degree of contempt for the two due to their unstable and unnatural existence within the timeline. Valerius also has two children, Kathy Orsolano and Domenico Domani. Although Kathy dislikes her father, for some reasons valid and some not, Domenico is something of a daddy's boy. Domenico shares his father's unstable timeline curse but to a significantly lesser degree. This similiarity gives them a certain understanding.
Despite all his flaws, Valerius is quite popular with women and it's not unusual for him to have several partners at one time. This is not without its own risk though. His delusions, paranoia and unstable being often lead his love to end in tragedy. Either through his own actions or through the persecution of other people. Valerius continues to look for someone that can understand him anyway.